The people speak out with the truth about Christina Gallagher, the House of Prayer Achill and her spiritual director Fr Gerard McGinnity PhD



















Biography of Dr Gerard McGinnity - Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher

Biography of Fr Gerard McGinnity
Spiritual director of Christia Gallagher, the Very Reverend Dr Gerard McGinnity, author & PP, is best known as ‘whistleblower’ of the sex abuse scandal at Maynooth Ireland's national seminary in 1984.

Former Dean of St Patrick's College Maynooth, was born on April 5th 1947, in Derrynoose, Co Armagh. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Armagh in 1972. He was appointed Junior Dean of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland's national seminary, in 1973 and Senior Dean in 1978 at the age of 32, decades younger than previous holders of the post. He acted as secretary to the Episcopal Commission for Seminary Training while in this post. During the same period he also edited the Liturgical Calendar for Ireland. Fr McGinnity holds a Doctorate in Patristic Theology having completed his doctoral thesis on the writings of St Ambrose in 1981. During his time as Senior Dean of St Patrick's College, Dr McGinnity was well known for conducting retreats for diocesan clergy and religious, he contributed to RTE and UTV religious broadcasts, was being talked about as a future bishop and had published a number of books, including "Christmen - the Experience of Priesthood Today", which was a best seller in 1985.
Read the story in full... Biography of Dr Gerard McGinnity.

New Book Reveals the Truth about the House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and her spiritual director, Fr Gerard McGinnity - 2009
In their book, "Our Lady Touches Ireland and the World - Gifts from Heaven" published in 2009 by Our Lady's Pilgrims, the people tell the story of the many blessings they have received from Our Lady Queen of Peace through her House of Prayer in Achill, the fruits of this work of Our Heavenly Mother through Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity and Her House of Prayer in Achill.

The pilgrims who attend Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill have wanted the opportunity to share the truth about Our Lady's House of Prayer in Achill ; Her Fraternity; Christina Gallagher; and Fr Gerard McGinnity; and to have their own voice heard in a media reluctant to report the truth. We have put together this information where the reality and fruits of the House of Prayer speak for themselves.

The people wish it to be known that there are over 700 healings recorded in connection with Our Lady's work through Christina Gallagher and Her House of Prayer in Achill. These included ten different forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, blindness, instantaneous clearance of blocked carotid arteries among several other conditions.. Some already have received exhaustive in-depth analysis and have been found by consultants and medical professors to have "no human, scientific, medical or or psychological explanation"

Many hundreds of remarkable testimonies about physical healings, conversions and other God-given favours and experiences have been recorded at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, Achill since it was first opened in 1993, and these continue to come in. Even before the House opened, testimonies were already being received about favours granted through the use of the Matrix Medal. A selection of these have been included in the book "Our Lady Touches Ireland and the World - Gifts from Heaven".

World events shown years in advance to Christina continue to be rapidly fulfilled - the war in Rwanda and Chechnya, the collapse of the Twin Tower, the Indian Ocean tsunami, the weather changes throughout the world, the collapes of the Stock Market, control through a single currency, one-world bank, the 'chip', one-world government, one-world Church which will not be Christian but will cause great division and persecution of the Catholic Church.

The information provided on this our website, the Voice of Our Lady's Pilgrims, together with this book uncovers the truth behind the outrageous media attack on Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity, the House of Prayer Achill and the pilgrims who travel there to pray.
The fruits of this work of Our Blessed Lady, through the mission of Christina Gallagher speaks for itself.

Totally Biased 'Journalistic' Treatment of Christina Gallagher, Rev Gerard McGinnity and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill
Looking at the basic principles of Irish journalism, as outlined below, it is fully evident that few if any of those principles played a part in the media’s coverage and interpretation of the work of Mrs Christina Gallagher, the House of Prayer Achill and with what she and all associated with her believe to be this special work of Our Blessed Mother. How could even the most basic journalistic principles apply, when the most essential elements of the “story” were ignored?Where are the journalists, when the main figures in a so-called story are never interviewed, and other people – who could have provided the truth – are never approached? Only critics of Christina Gallagher and her spiritual director Fr McGinnity – almost all anonymous and mostly indistinguishable from fictional people – are ‘consulted’ and supported. Is that to be called journalism? Let’s test the principles and see how many apply…read more...

Fundraising; Statement from Pilgrims Who Attended House of Prayer Meetings in Ireland
The pilgrims of Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill are appalled at the outlandish allegations made regarding fundraising. It is most offensive and shocking to read week after week how the “touched” “simple minded” people who attend Our Lady’s house are brainwashed in to giving hundreds of thousands of euro. This is simply not true. The supporters of Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill have held meetings in Ireland over the past number of years. This statement is to confirm that activities of those meetings and to clarify some specific points that have been falsely stated in various tabloid media, and also to clarify the attendance at those meetings. All meetings were organised by Majella Meade, in her role of Fraternity Volunteer Coordinator. Never has Fr Mc Ginnity, Christina Gallagher or any other leading figure at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill organised such a meeting.…read more...

Cult? - Sensational Use of a Provocative and Negative Image
One of the most regularly heard terms used by media people or others seeking to denigrate, dismiss or harm the work which Our Lady Queen of Peace, House of Prayer Achill seeks to do, was to describe all those involved as members of a 'cult' or a 'sect'...…read more...

Related Links:

Response to Media Attack on Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer and Fr McGinnity

Attack on the Spiritual Mission of Christina Gallagher by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D

'Why I Believe' by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D

Christina Gallagher - 'Proof Beyond Doubt' by Fr Richard Foley SJ

Healings through Holy Water at the House of Prayer Achill

Conversions through House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity

Physical Healings through House of Prayer Achill and Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity

Healings and Conversions through the Matrix Medal, House of Prayer Achill, and Christina Gallagher

TRUTH of Our Lady's Messages to Christina Gallagher is massively upheld


Book about Christina Gallagher, the House of Prayer Achill, Fr McGinnity and the Fraternity of Our Lady Queen of Peace.


Response to Media Attack

Christina Gallagher

Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity PhD

House of Prayer Achill

Our Lady's Fraternity

Testimonies of the Major Physical Healings

Testimonies of Conversions & Healings

Testimonies of Protection

Published by Our Lady's Pilgrims | Official Website of Christina Gallagher & the House of Prayer, AchillCopyright donated to the House of Prayer, Achill 2009. All Rights Reserved


Fr McGinnity - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Fr McGinnity - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Christina Gallagher - The House of Prayer Response to Media Attack | Christina Gallagher Official Website | Fr Gerard McGinnity | The Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace Achill | Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace Achill | Christina Gallaghers Story Begins | The Mission of Christina Gallagher | Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard McGinnity | A Good Tree Cannot Produce Bad Fruits - Christina Gallagher and The House of Prayer Achill | Fruits in Abundance - Christina Gallagher and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill | Testimony of Healing and Conversion through Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt through Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Advance Pancreatic Cancer of Kathleen O'Sullivan Healed at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill - Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | A 'Miracle' says US doctor about the Healing of Jed Michael critically ill with Thrombosis - A 'Miracle' says US doctor - Christina Gallagher - Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity | Healing in the Womb of Rose McManus after visit to House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher & Fr Mc Ginnity | Physial Healings connected to House of Prayer Achill, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity| Matrix Medal of Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity| Miraculous Gift of Life through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| 'Miracle Without a Doubt' through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| Healing of Cancer through Matrix Medal, Christina Gallagher House of Prayer Achill| Matrix Medal Testimonies of Healing, Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill| Healing Waters of Achill Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher| Protection through Our Lady With Tears, Christina Gallagher, Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill| Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, Christina Gallagher, Fr Gerard McGinnity| Our Lady Queen of Peace Chain Houses of Prayer, Christina Gallagher, House of Prayer Achill| Fraternity of Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Novena to Most Holy Trinity at Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Protection of Homes Our Lady Queen of Peace with Roses - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Young People and Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Information about Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher & FrMcGinnity| 'Proof Beyond Doubt" Fr Foley SJ and Our Lady Queen of Peace - House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Baptismal Right to Pray at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| Frequently Asked Questions about Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagherand Fr McGinnity| Response to TV3 cult programme Media misrepresentation Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher| People Speak out about Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill- Christina Gallagher|